To elucidate the current status of radial and curved-linear arrayed endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS), the author conducted a survey using a questionnaire at different institutions to assess the following. 1. Number of EUS procedures conducted annually for pancreatic malignancies. 2. Role of radial arrayed EUS for pancreatic abnormalities. 3. Role of curved-linear arrayed EUS for pancreatic abnormalities. 4. Indication of EUS-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy (EUS-FNA) for pancreatic abnormalities. 5. Percentage of EUS-FNA among the cases carried out with EUS for pancreatic abnormalities. 6. Experience of EUS with contrast harmonic echo for pancreatic malignancies and its indications. 7. Experience of elastography on EUS for pancreatic abnormalities. In Japan, although usage of curved-linear arrayed EUS has become popular for both EUS-FNA and for screening, radial EUS is widely used for diagnosing pancreatic abnormalities. Endosonographers must understand the respective advantages and disadvantages of EUS devices and carry out EUS procedures appropriately.
© 2011 The Author. Digestive Endoscopy © 2011 Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society.