Free flaps are considered to revascularize from the surrounding tissue and survive without their original pedicle flow after a certain period postoperatively. We report 2 patients who developed mucosal ischemia of the transferred jejunum by ligation of its vascular pedicle 10 and 25 months after microvascular free jejunal transfer. Both patients had a history of heavy smoking, and had undergone definitive radiotherapy and previous surgery to the recipient bed. Both were treated conservatively; however, a stenotic change of the transferred jejunum remained in 1 patient. If poorly revascularized flaps, such as jejunal flaps, were transferred to the irradiated and scarred recipient bed, revascularization might never reach completion. If pedicle division is required in such cases, reanastomosis of the pedicle would be ideal regardless of the time after the transfer.