Background: The thoracic cavity approach for natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) is technically challenging. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of a transoral endoscopic technique for a surgical lung biopsy and pericardial window creation
Methods: Under general anesthesia, a 12 mm incision was made over the vestibulum oris region. Under video guidance, a homemade metallic tube was introduced through the incision, extending along the pre-tracheal space to the substernal space with blunt dissection technique, and used as the entrance into the thoracic cavity. A surgical lung biopsy and a pericardial window creation were performed in 12 canines, using the transoral NOTES technique.
Results: The transoral endoscopic surgical lung biopsy and pericardial window creation were successfully completed in 11 of the 12 canines. Intraoperative bleeding and death from an injury to the pulmonary hilum developed in one animal during the electrosurgical excision of lung tissue.
Conclusions: Transoral surgical lung biopsy and pericardial window creation in canine models is technically feasible and can be used as a novel experimental platform for studies of NOTES for intra-thoracic surgery.
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