Modulating effects of WR2721 were studied on cisplatin-induced histological and ultrastructural changes in the ganglia of the central nervous system of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis. The relevance of the study was indicated by showing histochemically that alkaline phosphatase, the enzyme converting WR2721 into the active drug WR1065, is present in the snail brain. Central nervous systems of the snail were either preincubated in 5 mM WR2721 or in snail Ringer for 1 h and then postincubated for 10 or 20 h in: (i) Ringer (control), (ii) WR2721 (5 mM), (iii) cisplatin (0.4 mM), or (iv) cisplatin (0.4 mM) plus WR2721 (5 mM). The following parameters were studied: (i) general morphology, (ii) chromatin (number and mean clump size per unit surface ama, clump size frequency distribution), (iii) nucleoli (ratio of granular/fibrillar areas, (iv), Golgi zones (mean surface area, area containing electron dense material), (v) secretory granules (number), (vi) lysosomes (number per unit surface area of cytoplasm). The focus was on two types of identified neuroendocrine cells. Incubation in Ringer alone (controls) caused slight inactivation of the cells between 10 and 20 h of incubation (e.g. relative decrease of the granular part of the nucleoli). WR2721 alone had comparable effects on the tissue. In addition, in this group, a reduction in the electron dense material of the Golgi zones was observed. No major differences in number of secretory granules were observed in any of the groups. Treatment with cisplatin alone for 20 h caused a disappearance of the orange colour of the ganglia, swelling of axons and distension of intercellular spaces. Such changes were not observed in the group treated with cisplatin plus WR2721 or any of the other experimental groups. Both cisplatin alone and cisplatin plus WR2721 caused an increase in the number of chromatin clumps and a decrease in the mean chromatin clump size after 10 and 20 h of incubation. With regard to these parameters no differences were observed between the two groups. The chromatin clump size distribution curves of both groups were significantly different from the curve of the controls. Compared to that of the cisplatin group, the curve of the cisplatin plus WR2721 group, especially after 10 h, had shifted in the direction of that of the controls. Treatment with cisplatin alone induced drastic changes in nucleolar morphology. After 20 h of incubation the nucleoli had transformed into homogeneous dense structures. After 10 h of incubation in cisplatin plus WR2721 nucleoli still had a normal appearance. After 20 h those of the co-treated group had also become electron dense and appeared to contain numerous dark dots. Cisplatin caused a significant decrease in the extent of the Golgi zones. Co-treatment with WR2721 prevented this decrease to a certain degree. In both groups the electron dense material had disappeared from the Golgi zones. Furthermore, cisplatin alone induced an increase in the number of lysosomes. This increase was slightly (but not significantly) prevented by co-treatment with WR2721. The observations on the snail neurons show that WR2721 at the concentration studied induced only minor morphological changes. The drug modulates to some extent the pathological changes caused by cisplatin. The results support clinical data indicating that cisplatin-induced neurotoxicity is reduced by WR2721.