Background: In health services research comparative studies between orthopaedics and naturopathy are necessary. They allow evidence based decisions between individual therapeutical alternatives as well as decisions on health politics, e.g. concerning allocation of resources.
Patients and methods: A controlled prospective cohort study is presented. Conservatively treated patients were recruited for the study, if they needed in-patient treatment because of chronic back pain. The conservative orthopaedic treatment including Minimal invasive Therapy (MIT) was compared to in-patient naturopathic "complex"-treatment. The real costs to the public health insurance system are unknown--relating to both the individual patient and the physician. Hence an approximation was attempted on the basis of the billing of the concerned hospitals, the analysis of extensive patient interviews, randomly selected evaluation of in- and out-patient records, validated by an expert panel.
Results: Costs for medication decreased in the post stationary phase after orthopedic and naturopathic treatment. Rehabilitation measures and treatments at a health resort increased after orthopedic treatment, whereas the frequency of specialist consultation decreased in both cohorts indicating the efficacy of the in-patient treatment. Incidence of psychotherapy was highest in the naturopathic group before admission to hospital and decreased afterwards. The gathered data point to a reduction of the total outpatient treatment costs in both cohorts. There were treatment-specific differences when regarding single components.
Conclusion: Naturopathic complex in-patient treatment is a cost-efficient complement of the conventional orthopedic treatment options.