Seed storage proteins (SSPs) have been studied for more than 250 years because of their nutritional value and their impact on the use of grain in food processing. More recently, the use of seeds for the production of recombinant proteins has rekindled interest in the behavior of SSPs and the question how they are able to accumulate as stable storage reserves. Seed cells produce vast amounts of SSPs with different subcellular destinations creating an enormous logistic challenge for the endomembrane system. Seed cells contain several different storage organelles including the complex and dynamic protein storage vacuoles (PSVs) and other protein bodies (PBs) derived from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Storage proteins destined for the PSV may pass through or bypass the Golgi, using different vesicles that follow different routes through the cell. In addition, trafficking may depend on the plant species, tissue and developmental stage, showing that the endomembrane system is capable of massive reorganization. Some SSPs contain sorting signals or interact with membranes or with other proteins en route in order to reach their destination. The ability of SSPs to form aggregates is particularly important in the formation or ER-derived PBs, a mechanism that occurs naturally in response to overloading with proteins that cannot be transported and that can be used to induce artificial storage bodies in vegetative tissues. In this review, we summarize recent findings that provide insight into the formation, function, and fate of storage organelles and describe tools that can be used to study them.