This investigation identified an OMNI Scale rating of perceived exertion associated with the ventilatory breakpoint in Division I football players. This easily applied prescriptive reference may be used to self-regulate training intensity. The OMNI Scale format may facilitate estimation of exertional perceptions. 34 participants completed a maximal treadmill test. OMNI ratings of perceived exertion were estimated during the last 15 sec. of each workload. The rating corresponding to the ventilatory breakpoint was determined for each participant using linear regression analysis. The ventilatory breakpoint corresponded to 68.8% of VO2max (SD = 7.5% of VO2 max) and a heart rate of 158.9 beats min(-1) (SD = 11.9 beats min(-1)). The rating of perceived exertion associated with the ventilatory breakpoint was 5.1 (SD = 1.2). This perceptual reference point, not previously identified in Division I football players, could be used in field settings to self-select exercise intensity around the ventilatory threshold.