Deterministic shape-selective synthesis of nanowires, nanoribbons and nanosaws by steady-state vapour-transport

Nanotechnology. 2006 Feb 28;17(4):1046-51. doi: 10.1088/0957-4484/17/4/034. Epub 2006 Jan 30.


We demonstrate the deterministic shape-selective synthesis and growth of CdSe nanowires, nanosaws and nanoribbons by a simple vapour-transport process in a tube furnace. The key step, in order to achieve reproducible shape selectivity for a given set of deposition parameters, is to exclude any effects of the temperature ramping. We prove that an efficient precursor-flow shutter is achieved just by varying the total furnace pressure. We then present a shape-diagram linking the different nanocrystals morphologies to only two parameters: powder and substrate temperature. These are varied in the 550-700 °C and 400-600 °C range, respectively. A model explaining the shape control is discussed.