Quality assurance of external-beam treatment-planning systems is recommended, and this can be partly achieved with predefined type tests. The beam data and test geometries of IAEA TECDOC 1540 have been used to test the analytical anisotropic algorithm (AAA) and pencil-beam convolution (PBC) algorithm of the Varian Eclipse treatment planning system. Beam models were created in Eclipse for 6 MV, 10 MV and 18 MV from the available beam data. Twelve test geometries were re-created in Eclipse, and the differences between Eclipse dose calculations and dose measurements were recorded. The AAA algorithm generally performed better than the PBC algorithm for the 12 tests, but both algorithms did not meet predefined tolerances for asymmetric wedge fields. An in-house monitor unit check program based on collimator and phantom scatter factors with tissue-phantom ratios was also tested and its calculations were found to agree with measurements to within 3.2% for on-axis points.
Keywords: Photon dose calculation algorithms; quality assurance; treatment planning system.