Objective: To evaluate associations between children's and their mothers' fruit and vegetable (FV) intake and children's FV intake and weight status.
Methods: Mothers (n = 39) residing in Philadelphia, PA completed a subsection of the Diet History Questionnaire assessing their FV intake. Mothers also completed this questionnaire to estimate FV intake among their 5- or 6-year-old children (n = 39). Children's height and weight were measured. Pearson correlation, Student t tests, and binary logistic regression analyses were performed.
Results: A significant positive mother-child association was found for FV intake (P < .001). Overweight/obese children consumed fewer FVs than normal-weight children (P = .02).
Conclusions and implications: Efforts to promote FV consumption in mothers may help children achieve the recommended intake of FVs. Higher intakes of FVs in turn may help with child weight management.
Copyright © 2011 Society for Nutrition Education. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.