Background: The HPV prevalence and genotype distribution are important for the estimation of the impact of HPV-based cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccination on the incidence of diseases etiologically linked to HPVs. The HPV genotype distribution varies across different geographical regions. Therefore, we investigated the type-specific HPV prevalence in Czech women and men with anogenital diseases.
Methods: We analyzed 157 squamous cell carcinoma samples, 695 precancerous lesion samples and 64 cervical, vulvar and anal condylomata acuminate samples. HPV detection and typing were performed by PCR with GP5+/6+ primers, reverse line blot assay and sequencing.
Results: Thirty different HPV genotypes were detected in our study, HPV 16 being the most prevalent type both in precancerous lesions (45%) and squamous cell carcinomas (59%). In benign lesions, HPV 6 (72%) was the most common type. Altogether, 61% of carcinoma samples and 43% of precancerous lesion samples contained HPV 16 and/or 18. The presence of HPV types related to the vaccinal ones (HPV 31, 45, 33, 52, 58) were detected in 16% of carcinoma samples and 18% of precancerous lesion samples. HPV 16 and/or 18 were present in 76% of cervical cancer samples, 33% of CIN1, 43% CIN2 and 71% of CIN3 samples. HPV types 6 and/or 11 were detected in 84% samples of condylomata acuminate samples.
Conclusions: The prevalence of vaccinal and related HPV types in patients with HPV-associated diseases in the Czech Republic is very high. We may assume that the implementation of routine vaccination against HPV would greatly reduce the burden of HPV-associated diseases in the Czech Republic.