Objective: To assess wait times for surgery and radiotherapy in head and neck cancer patients from the Maritime provinces.
Methods: A retrospective chart review of 275 Maritime head and neck cancer patients treated between 2007 and 2009 by the tertiary Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Service at the Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre (QEII HSC) in Halifax, Nova Scotia, was conducted to assess surgical and radiotherapy wait times.
Results: The mean wait time from referral to assessment by a head and neck surgeon was 15 days. The mean wait time from the initial consultation with a head and neck surgeon to surgery was 33 days, with 42% waiting more than 28 days and 18% waiting more than 42 days for surgery. The mean wait time from surgery to postoperative radiotherapy was 74 days, with 94% of patients waiting more than 42 days. The mean wait time from referral to Radiation Oncology to assessment by a radiation oncologist was 10 days. The mean wait time from ready to treat to radiotherapy was 21 days, with 74% of patients waiting more than 14 days.
Conclusion: Maritime head and neck cancer patients wait longer than established guidelines for both surgery and radiotherapy and may be at increased risk for negative outcomes because of delayed treatment.