The nuclear transport of the chromatin remodeling protein nucleoplasmin and chromatin building histones is mediated by importins. Nucleoplasmin (NP) contains a classical bipartite nuclear localization signal (NLS) that is recognized by the importin α/β heterodimer, while histones present multiple NLS-like motifs that are recognized by importin β family members for nuclear targeting. To explore the possibility of a cotransport of histones and their chaperone NP to the nucleus, we have analyzed the assembly of complexes of NP/histones with importins by means of fluorescence anisotropy, centrifugation in sucrose gradients, and isothermal titration calorimetry. Data show that importin α ΔIBB (a truncated form of importin α lacking the autoinhibitory N-terminal domain) and histones (linker, H5, and nucleosomal core, H2AH2B) can simultaneously bind to NP. Analysis of the binding energetics reveals an enthalpy-driven formation of high affinity ternary, NP/Δα/H5 and NP/Δα/H2AH2B, complexes. We find that different amount of importin α molecules can be loaded on NP/histone complexes dependent on the histone type, linker or core, and the amount of bound histones. We further demonstrate that NP/H5 complexes can also incorporate importin α/β, thus forming quaternary NP/histones/α/β complexes that might represent a putative coimport pathway for nuclear import of histones and their chaperone protein NP, enhancing the histone import efficiency.
© 2011 American Chemical Society