We describe the 1-year follow-up after epilepsy surgery of 12 patients with chronic interictal psychosis and medically intractable epilepsy. The 12 cases described were part of a sample of 350 subjects who concluded a 1-year psychiatric follow-up from a total of 504 subjects operated on for medically intractable epilepsy between 2002 and 2009. Outcome was Engel class IA for five of these patients, IB for one, ID for one, IIB for one, IIIA for three, and IVA for one. Four patients had a worsening of psychotic symptoms at 6 months, but showed improvement after 1 year; two subjects had a worsening of psychotic symptoms at both 6 months and 1 year. Despite the severity of symptoms, compliance with preoperative assessment, surgical programs, and follow-up was satisfactory.
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