Water access and sanitation has worsened in Gaza strip since the conflict between Israel and Palestine in January 2009. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between attendance for diarrhea to a Primary Health Care Center (PHCC) in Gaza strip and several potential risk factors including water access. A matched case control study with prospective data record was performed. Cases were patients attending a PHCC for diarrhea, and controls were patients attending for any other cause with no diarrhea within the previous three months or since birth. We matched 133 cases and 133 controls, for date of inclusion, age, gender. All patients attended PHCC and were included in January/February 2010. A stool analysis for bacteria and parasites was performed for cases. Of the 266 patients, 62% (166) have to buy water from a private provider. In multivariate analysis, four variables were independently predictive of diarrhea: public water access (OR: 0.046; 95% CI: 0.005-0.454; P=0.0083), poultry or rabbits at home, and presence of cooker at home. A bacterial cause was found in 5.5% (7) and Giardia duodenalis in 20% (26). Treatments did not comply with WHO recommendations. Efforts should be made to improve water access and to implement guidelines for a better management of diarrhea in Gaza strip.
Copyright © 2011 Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.