Stem cells represent obvious choices for regenerative medicine and are invaluable for studies of human development and drug testing. The proteomic landscape of pluripotent stem cells (PSCs), in particular, is not yet clearly defined; consequently, this field of research would greatly benefit from concerted efforts designed to better characterize these cells. In this concise review, we provide an overview of stem cell potency, highlight the types and practical implications of heterogeneity in PSCs and provide a detailed analysis of the current view of the pluripotent proteome in a unique resource for this rapidly evolving field. Our goal in this review is to provide specific insights into the current status of the known proteome of both mouse and human PSCs. This has been accomplished by integrating published data into a unified PSC proteome to facilitate the identification of proteins, which may be informative for the stem cell state as well as to reveal areas where our current view is limited. These analyses provide insight into the challenges faced in the proteomic analysis of PSCs and reveal one area--the cell surface subproteome--that would especially benefit from enhanced research efforts.
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