Formaldehyde-induced and glyoxylic-acid-induced fluorescence histochemistry permits the tissue localization of catecholamines in the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS), and in culture. Counterstains such as ethidium bromide provide excellent background identification of specific innervated regions in both the CNS and the periphery. Use of fluorescence histochemistry with immunocytochemistry can elucidate catecholamine-peptide relationships. Gelatin-ink perfusion used with fluorescence histochemistry permits the investigation of neuro-vascular relationships and documentation of vascular and parenchymal compartmentation of innervation. Combined use of fluorescence histochemistry and retrograde tracing methods demonstrates the specific cellular sources of innervation of target regions. Micropunch neurochemical analysis provides quantitative data for correlation with fluorescence histochemistry within a target region of innervation, and microspectrofluorometric analysis provides a semi-quantitative evaluation of the amount of fluorophore within a target region or within specific subcellular compartments such as the cell body or terminals.