Major depressive disorders (MDD) are among the most debilitating diseases worldwide and occur with a high prevalence in elderly individuals. Neurodegenerative diseases (in particular Alzheimer's disease, AD) do also show a strong age-dependent increase in incidence and prevalence among the elderly population. A high number of geriatric patients with MDD show cognitive deficits and a very high proportion of AD patients present co-morbid MDD, which poses difficult diagnostic and prognostic questions. Especially in prodromal and in very early stages of AD, it is almost impossible to differentiate between pure MDD and MDD with underlying AD. Here, we give a comprehensive review of the literature on the current state of candidate biomarkers for MDD ("positive MDD markers") and briefly refer to established and validated diagnostic AD biomarkers in order to rule out underlying AD pathophysiology in elderly MDD subjects with cognitive impairments ("negative MDD biomarkers"). In summary, to date there is no evidence for positive diagnostic MDD biomarkers and the only way to delineate MDD from AD is to use "negative MDD" biomarkers. Because of this highly unsatisfactory current state of MDD biomarker research, we propose a research strategy targeting to detect and validate positive MDD biomarkers, which is based on a complex (genetic, molecular and neurophysiological) biological model that incorporates current state of the art knowledge on the pathobiology of MDD. This model delineates common pathways and the intersection between AD and MDD. Applying these concepts to MDD gives hope that positive MDD biomarkers can be successfully identified in the near future.
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