To investigate whether all patients in need of an allogeneic hematopoietic SCT (HSCT) are offered one, we retrospectively investigated the policy for all children diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome (n=90) or relapsed AML (n=75) between 1998 and 2008. These children are registered at diagnosis and treated according to protocols of the Dutch Childhood Oncology Group, which provides accurate disease incidence data and protocol-indicated appropriateness for HSCT. For 48 (30%) patients, a family donor was identified; for 90 (57%) patients, an unrelated donor (UD) search was performed; and for 21 (13%) patients, no UD search was initiated. Reasons for not initiating an UD search include: progressive disease (n=10), conserve quality of life (n=1), stable disease (n=3), immunosuppressive therapy (n=2), patient death (n=3), patient lives abroad (n=1) and second relapse (n=1). On the basis of the time interval between date of diagnosis and date of death/last follow-up, for eight (5%) patients, it may be questioned why an UD search was not performed. The fact that 95% of all children are given the option of an allogeneic HSCT is encouraging and reasons not to transplant seem fair in most cases.