Any injury affecting peripheral nerve continuity is followed by a degenerative reaction from nerve itself and its muscle. Nerve regeneration is possible when the two ends are put in direct contact (direct suture), proximity (autologous or artificial grafts), or through muscle neurotization. The aim of this experimental study was to evaluate sciatic nerve degeneration and regeneration in rats after no suture (group 1), direct suture (group 2), nerve grafting (group 3) and muscle neurotization (group 4). Nerve samples were analyzed by optical microscopy at 8 and 16 weeks after surgery, and nerve degeneration (group 1), axonal growth (group 2) and neuromuscular regeneration (group 4) were assessed. Optical microscopy and different staining techniques confirmed nerve degeneration, regeneration, and axonal growth in different moments. Cholinesterase test after direct muscle neurotization showed enzymatic activity at the level of muscle implantation of nerve fibers, indirectly confirming the presence of neuromuscular synapse.