The Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Symptom Assessment Form (MPN-SAF) is a validated quality of life (QoL) instrument. In our Swedish cohort of 114 patients the symptomatic burden was found to be severe, with fatigue reported in 88% of the patients and reduced QoL in the majority of patients. Patients with primary myelofibrosis had the highest scores, low QoL, for most MPN-SAF items, compared to patients with polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia. Higher age showed significant associations with the BFI (Brief Fatigue Inventory) score, early satiety, concentration problems, dizziness, insomnia, cough and weight loss. Blood values, disease duration and myelosuppressive treatment did not significantly associate with any of the MPN-SAF items, with the exception of higher hemoglobin, which correlated with sad mood. Male patients with MPN scored significantly higher as regards sexual problems and weight loss compared to female patients. Overall, the MPN-SAF was found to be a valid instrument for assessing symptomatic burden among this population.