Background: Biomarkers in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are being used increasingly to diagnose early Alzheimer's disease (AD). A CSF profile that is suggestive of ad is an abnormal ratio of the proteins Ab1-42 to total tau.
Aim: To describe the prevalence and prognosis of a CSF profile in patients without dementia but with subjective memory problems and mild cognitive impairments (MCI) at a memory clinic.
Method: A multi-centre study.
Results: A European multi-centre study showed that a CSF AD profile was often present in patients with subjective complaints and patients with MCI . The CSF AD profile predicted a decline in cognition and daily functioning over a period of 3 years in patients with MCI. Patients with amnestic MCI and a CSF AD profile developed AD more often within this period than patients without this profile.
Conclusion: CSF markers suggestive of ad are common in persons without dementia. It may be possible to use these markers for the prognosis of patients who have MCI .