A lethargic, wild, juvenile raccoon died and was subsequently presented for necropsy. The lungs had widely disseminated, finely granular, yellow-tan foci with moderate pulmonary, as well as, thoracic lymphadenopathy. Histopathology revealed numerous cross-sections of larval trematodes morphologically consistent with diplostomid mesocercariae and metacercariae as well as moderate alveolointerstitial pneumonia with a mixed population of eosinophils, macrophages, lymphocytes, and plasma cells. The presence of larval trematodes within lymphatics in multiple organs indicates a route of fluke migration. Live specimens of mesocercariae and metacercariae recovered from refrigerated lung tissue after 7 days were identified as Pharyngostomoides sp., an intestinal diplostomid parasite (trematode) of raccoons and other mammals that is similar in appearance and life cycle to Alaria spp.
© 2011 The Author(s)