Aim and methods: Leukemia-derived dendritic cells (DC(leu)) potentially present the whole leukemic antigen repertoire. We studied antigen-expression profiles of blasts/dendritic cells (DCs) generated from 137 acute myeloid leukemia (AML)/49 myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) patients with six different DC-generating media by flow-cytometry combining expression of blast/maturation and DC antigens (DCA:CD1a,b,c, CD25, CD40, CD80, CD83, CD86, CD137-L and CD206).
Results: First, DCA are regularly and variably expressed on uncultured blasts/mononuclear cells (MNCs). Individual patients' DCA profiles must be evaluated before DC-culture to find suitable DCA to estimate quality/quantity of DC after culture. Second, after culture in every patient, at least one marker fulfilled these criteria. Third, different DC-generating methods showed varying efficiency to generate DC: not every method was always successful. Fourth, individual FACS-DCA profiles showed a successful DC/DC(leu) generation with at least one of three previously tested methods in every given AML/MDS case. Fifth, pooling results of all selected best methods in every given case, 28/30% DC were generated from AML/MDS samples: >60% viable DC, on average 49/56% mature DC and on average 36% of blasts were convertible to DC(leu) resulting in on average 49% DC(leu) of AML-DC.
Conclusions: Individual DCA-expression profiles should be evaluated before culture to evaluate DC counts/subtypes (mature/viableDC, DC(leu)) in individual patients.