VSDK: Virtual screening of small molecules using AutoDock Vina on Windows platform

Bioinformation. 2011;6(10):387-8. doi: 10.6026/97320630006387. Epub 2011 Aug 2.


Screening of ligand molecules to target proteins using computer-aided docking is a critical step in rational drug discovery. Based on this circumstance, we attempted to develop a virtual screening application system, named VSDK Virtual Screening by Docking, which can function under the Windows platform. This is a user-friendly, flexible, and versatile tool which can be used by users who are familiar with Windows OS. The virtual screening performance was tested for an arbitrarily-selected receptor, FGFR tyrosine kinase (pdb code: 1agw), by using ligands downloaded from ZINC database with its grid size of x,y,z = 30,30,30 and run number of 10. It took 90 minutes for 100 molecules for this virtual screening. VSDK is freely available at the designated URL, and a simplified manual can be downloaded from VSDK home page. This tool will have a more challenging scope and achievement as the computer speed and accuracy are increased and secured in the future.

Availability: The database is available for free at http://www.pharm.kobegakuin.ac.jp/˜akaho/english_top.html.