The localizations of liver cysts in the posterior hepatic dome (segment VII) and the hydatid cysts in particular, difficult to approach in "conventional" open or laparoscopic surgery, with significant parietal sacrifices and "demolition", requires a secure atypical laparoscopic approaching way, with positive results for both patient and surgeon, with minimal impact, with social and professional reintegration and faster healing. Transpleurodiaphragmatic laparoscopic approach using "Device for aspiration of liver hydatid cyst or ovarian cyst (OSIM 120809/30.04.2008 Patent - Dan Sabau) asociated with the remarcable performances of the fragmentation device for hydatid cyst content (OSIM Patent no. 120810/30.04.2008 - Dan Sabau) is the best way to approach these problems, accessible for surgeons with minimum experience in laparoscopic and thoracic surgery. The relatively low number of cases allows only formulation of preliminary positive conclusions on the method, they will be validated by subsequent results.