Aim: To investigate the effectiveness of the Australian Government's aged care planning framework for Indigenous Australians, particularly the use of a lower planning age of 50 years.
Methods: We analysed published data and administrative datasets relating to population demographics, aged care assessments, admissions and usage, need for assistance and expenditure, comparing the Indigenous 50-69 and 70+ age groups with the non-Indigenous 70+ age group.
Results: Indigenous people aged 50-69 years have much lower utilisation, and a different pattern of utilisation, of aged care services than either Indigenous or non-Indigenous people aged 70 and over. Community-based services are much more important for Indigenous than non-Indigenous people, regardless of age.
Conclusion: The planning framework conflates the diverse needs of Indigenous people across a wide age range and does not set a meaningful target for service provision. It has not ensured the right balance of services across geographic areas and between different levels of care.
© 2011 The Authors. Australasian Journal on Ageing © 2011 ACOTA.