Substituent and counterion effects on the formation of π-dimer dications of end-capped heptathienoacenes

Chem Commun (Camb). 2011 Dec 21;47(47):12622-4. doi: 10.1039/c1cc14566e. Epub 2011 Oct 31.


We have investigated the impact of the functionalization and the chemical nature of counterions on the π-dimer dications formation in two end-capped heptathienoacenes. Radical cations of an α-substituted heptathienoacene with triisopropylsilyl groups do not π-dimerize, while those of an α,β-substituted heptathienoacene with four n-decyl side chains show a high propensity toward π-dimerization, increased by PF(6)(-) counterions.