Aim: To know the experiences, needs and expectations of women in the treatment of cervical and uterine cancer in the Andalusian Health Service.
Methods: Focus groups and in-depth interviews with women being treated for cervical-uterine cancer within the Andalusian Health Service. Analysis with Nudist Vivo 1.0 (QSR International Pty Ltd, Doncaster, Victoria, Australia).
Results: The needs and expectations detected were: coherence in the promotion strategies and the presence of a proactive approach by health professionals, availability of comprehensive information and understanding, possibility of expressing to health professionals one's doubts and fears, and of participation in decision-making, technical quality, humane treatment and continuity of care and attention to psychosocial aspects.
Conclusion: The knowledge of women in the treatment of cancer of the cervix and uterus plays a crucial part in improving the delivery of these services.