Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in the coding sequence of cytochrome p450 (CYP3A28) have been associated with milk yield and composition, and calving traits in cows. In this study, we aimed to determine whether (i) the CYP3A28 regulatory region was polymorphic and (ii) SNP genotype, forage type, body condition and their interactions affect cow productivity. Primers for CYP3A28 promoter were designed to amplify a 483-bp segment by PCR. Amplicon sequences revealed seven SNP (T-318C, T-113A, C-189T, T-78G, A6G, G17A and T21C) in Brahman (38 cows), Brahman x Angus reciprocal crosses (47 cows) and crossbreds (98 cows). Angus cows (n = 41) appeared to be fixed at those SNP locations. Genotype and forage {endophyte-infected tall fescue [KY+; Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) S. J. Darbyshire] vs. bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.]} effects on lifetime (8-years) calving rate, and calf weaning weights and heights were determined in Herd 1 (126 cows); genotype and BC (low vs. moderate) effects on calving date and calving percent were determined in Herd 2 (98 cows). Four SNP (T-318C, T-113A, A06G and T21C) appeared to be related to cattle productivity, CC cows at T-318C having a lower (p < 0.05) lifetime calving rate than TC or TT cows (65%, 85% and 81% respectively). Cows that grazed KY+ and were TT at T-318C produced calves that tended (p < 0.07) to weigh less than their contemporaries. Moreover, calves of TT cows were shorter (p < 0.05) at weaning than calves of CC or TC cows. In Herd 2, moderate-BC cows that were TT or AA at T-318C, T-113A, T-78G, A6G and T21C had greater (p < 0.05) calving rates (74-80%) than heterozygous cows (46-60%), and low-BC cows that were AA at G17A calved at least 6 days earlier (p < 0.05) than heterozygous cows. Our findings suggest that SNP in the CYP3A28 regulatory region of Brahman-influenced cows are associated with cattle productivity.
© 2011 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.