This research was conducted to investigate frequency response of blood vessel wall. The principal frequency of blood vessel wall, f1 was found to decrease with progression of atherosclerosis and irregularity of the vibration trajectory of blood vessel wall was found to increase. When an aneurysm appeared, a new vibration wave was found to appear in the high frequency region, f2. When the aneurysm wall has enough strength, intensity of high frequency wave was found to increase. However, it decreases with decrease in the strength of aneurysm wall. The visco-elastic deterioration of blood vessel wall was found to well correlate with the changing characteristics of f1. A two-dimensional representation of f1 and f2 was conducted which tracks the progression of atherosclerosis and aneurysm. It will enable us to diagnose the introduction period of operation of blood vessel wall of atherosclerosis with an aneurysm.