Background and purpose: To develop a method based on electronic portal images (EPIs) for the position verification of breast cancer patients that are treated with a simultaneous integrated boost (SIB) technique.
Method: 3D setup errors of the breast outline and the thoracic wall were determined from EPIs of the tangential treatment fields and anterior posterior (AP) verification field. The method was verified with repeated CT scans of 38 patients with an average setup error larger than 5 mm.
Result: The 3D position deviation of the boost volume can best be determined from the position deviation of the breast outline in the ventrodorsal direction and the thoracic wall in the lateral and longitudinal directions from the tangential and AP EPIs. The method gives an average overestimation of the deviation of the boost volume in the ventrodorsal, lateral and longitudinal directions by 28%, 20% and 6%, respectively and an average underestimation of the deviation of the whole breast by 32%, 17% and 39%.
Conclusions: The described method is superior to using tangential EPIs only and is recommended for position verification of breast cancer patients that are treated with a SIB technique if no Cone beam CT (CBCT) or fiducial markers can be used.
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