Background: Chronic kidney failure (CRF) in addition to cardiovascular comorbidities and aging decrease physical activity capacity. An adapted rehabilitation program might be strongly recommended in this population. The aim of the study is to evaluate a 3 months exercise training program with ergocycle at the anaerobic threshold (AT) during dialysis sessions on effort tolerance, quality of life, blood pressure and lipidic disorders.
Methods: Six patients meanly aged 72 were evaluated before (t(0)) and after (t(3)) the rehabilitation program by: maximal cardiorespiratory ergotest, a 6-Minute Walk Test (6MWT) and 2 quality of life tests: Medical Outcome Survey Short Form 36-items and the Kidney Disease Quality of Life (SF 36, KDQol).
Results: Physical activity during dialysis is well tolerated. There was no undesirable event during rehabilitation sessions. The dyspnea and muscular weariness threshold linked to the AT increased meanly by 39% (8.83 ± 0.87 vs. 12.25 ± 1.23 mL/min per kg). Distances walked during 6 MWT increased for all patients (351.83 ± 72.17 vs. 412.80 ± 82 meters) Moreover, physical component scale improved (+4.7), mean systolic blood pressure (-7 mmHg) and mean triglycerides concentration (-19%) decreased.
Conclusion: An exercise training program during dialysis sessions with ergocycle and working intensity based on AT seems safe and an effective alternative to improve the effort functional capacity by hemodialysis patients.
Copyright © 2011 Association Société de néphrologie. Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.