The successful translation of stem-cell therapies requires a detailed understanding of the fate of transplanted cells. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has provided a noninvasive means of imaging cell dynamics in vivo by prelabeling cell with T(2) shortening iron oxide particles. However, this approach suffers from a gradual loss of sensitivity since active cell mitosis could decrease the cellular contrast agent (CA) concentration below detection level. In addition, the interpretation of images may be confounded by hypointensities induced by factors other than this CA susceptibility effect (CASE). We therefore examined the feasibility of exploiting the phase information in MRI to increase the sensitivity of cellular imaging and to differentiate the CASE from endogenous image hypointensity. Phase aliasing and the B(0) field inhomogeneity effect were removed by applying a reliable unwrapping algorithm and a high-pass filter, respectively, thus delineating phase variations originating from high spatial frequencies due to the CASE. We found that the filtered phase map detects labeled cells with high sensitivity and can readily differentiate the cell migration track from the white matter, both of which are hypointense in T(2)-weighted magnitude images. Furthermore, an approximate fivefold contrast-to-noise ratio enhancement can be achieved with an MRI phase map over conventional T(2)-weighted magnitude images.
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