Background and purpose: Dementia is a frequent condition after stroke that may affect the prognosis of patients. Our aim was to determine whether post-stroke dementia was a predictor of 1-year case-fatality and to evaluate factors that could influence survival in demented stroke patients.
Methods: From 1985 to 2008, all first-ever strokes were recorded in the population-based stroke registry of Dijon, France (150, 000 inhabitants). Dementia was diagnosed during the first month following stroke, according to DSM-III and DSM-IV criteria. Survival was evaluated at 1 year and multivariate analyses were performed using Cox proportional hazards to identify independent predictive factors.
Results: We recorded 3948 first-ever strokes. Among these stroke patients, 3201 (81%) were testable, and of these, 653 (20.4%) had post-stroke dementia (337 women and 316 men). Demented patients had lower 1-year survival than patients without dementia (82.9% vs. 86.9%, P = 0.013). However, in multivariate analysis, dementia did not appear as an independent predictor of 1-year death. In demented stroke patients, age >80 years old, severe handicap at discharge, recurrent stroke within the first year and subarachnoid haemorrhage were associated with a higher risk of 1-year death, and the risk was lower in the study period 2003-2008.
Conclusions: Dementia after stroke is not independently associated with an increased risk of death at 1 year. In recent years, 1-year case-fatality decreased in demented as well as in and non-demented patients suggesting that improvements in the management of stroke also benefited the most fragile patients.
© 2011 The Author(s). European Journal of Neurology © 2011 EFNS.