Background: Dietary supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids has been associated with reduced incidence in thrombotic events. In addition, administration of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) has been shown to rectify elevated platelet microparticle (MP) number and procoagulant activity in post myocardial infarction patients. However, it is unknown whether supplementation can alter these parameters in healthy individuals and if such effects are immediate or require long-term supplementation. We have previously demonstrated a gender-specific effect of LCn-3PUFA supplementation on platelet aggregation in healthy human subjects. Here we extend these findings to include the acute effects of supplementation with EPA- or DHA-rich oils on circulating MP levels and activity in healthy subjects.
Design: A placebo-controlled trial was conducted in healthy males and females (n=30). MP activity, MP levels and platelet aggregation were measured at 0 and 24 h postsupplementation with either a placebo or EPA- or DHA-rich oil.
Results: Both EPA and DHA effectively reduced platelet aggregation at 24 h postsupplementation relative to placebo (-13.3%, P=.006 and -11.9%, P=.016, respectively), but only EPA reduced MP activity (-19.4%, P=.003). When grouped by gender, males showed a similar reduction in both platelet aggregation and MP activity (-20.5%, P=.008; -22%, P=.008) following EPA, while females showed significantly reduced platelet aggregation (-13.7%, P=.04) but not MP activity after DHA only.
Conclusion: EPA and DHA exert gender-dependent effects on platelet aggregation and platelet MP activity, but not on MP levels. With respect to thrombotic disease risk, males may benefit more from EPA supplementation.
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