Aim: To analyze the potential improvement of (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET/CT using additional delayed images of the liver in operated colorectal cancer.
Material and methods: The study prospectively included 71 patients (22 women, 49 men) with mean age of 65 ± 11 years with clinical, analytic or radiological suspicion of current disease. A whole body PET/CT scan was performed at 60 min. (standard images) and after 2 hr (delayed images) post-injection of 4.07 MBq/Kg of (18)F-FDG. Visual and quantitative SUV analysis of PET/CT findings was done. All findings were confirmed by histopathology and/or at least 6 months follow-up.
Results: Thirty-seven out of 71 patients were diagnosed of liver metastases (79 metastases). In 38/71 cases there was extra-hepatic disease in the form of local recurrence (10), abdominopelvic (3) or mediastinal (3) lymph nodes, bone (1) or lung metastases (16) and carcinomatosis (10). Sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of liver metastases in a patient-by-patient basis in standard (81% and 91%) and in delayed images (95% y 97%) was calculated. The number of lesions detected in delayed images was significantly higher (66/79) than in standard images (57/79). Sensitivity and specificity for PET/CT in the diagnosis of extra-hepatic disease was 84% and 70%, contributing to the detection of synchronous tumors in 5 patients.
Conclusions: PET/CT may be useful in the diagnosis of extra-hepatic disease in suspected recurrence of colorectal cancer. Delayed images on PET/CT may increase the sensitivity to identify liver metastases.
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