SENTIERI Project (Mortality study of residents in Italian polluted sites) studied mortality of residents in the sites of national interest for environmental remediation (Italian polluted sites--IPSs). IPSs are in proximity of either active or dismissed industrial areas, near dumping sites of industrial and hazardous waste or incinerators. SENTIERI Project described and evaluated the mortality of the populations residing in IPSs and it specifically focused on causes of death for which environmental exposure is suspected or ascertained to play an etiologic role. The epidemiological evidence of the causal association was classified a priori into one of these three categories: Sufficient (S), Limited (L) and Inadequate (I). The study results will allow the priorities setting in remediation intervention, so as to prevent adverse health effects from environmental exposure. At the time of 2001 Census, about 10%of Italian population resided in the 44 IPSs included in SENTIERI; the mortality analysis was carried out for the years 1995-2002 for 63 causes of death. The study results for the 44 IPSs are here commented and read on the basis the a priori evaluation of the epidemiological evidence in terms of strength of the causal association, and taking into account the limits of a geographic study design and its implied complexities. The procedures and results of the evidence evaluation have been presented in a 2010 Supplement of Epidemiology & Prevention devoted to SENTIERI.