IDH1 mutations are present but are uncommon in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and although prognostically favorable in gliomas their clinical significance in AML is unclear. Some have associated IDH1 mutations with inferior outcome, whereas others found no association with prognosis. Complicating these analyses is the need to sequence IDH1 from leukemic blasts, which is technically challenging and not yet routine. Mutation-specific antibodies enable robust, cost-effective detection of mutations in routine biopsy samples. Immunohistochemistry for the R132H mutation-specific antibody was performed in a tissue microarray containing 159 cases of AML, detecting the R132H mutation in 7 cases (4.4%). Positivity was associated with intermediate risk cytogenetics. Our results demonstrate an association between the R132H IDH1 mutation and intermediate risk cytogenetics in AML, suggesting that R132H IDH1 mutation may be associated with improved clinical outcome and demonstrate the feasibility of using mutation-specific antibodies to genotype and subclassify AML.