This is a longitudinal study of 12 patients with craniofacial synostosis syndromes (Crouzon's, Apert's, Pfeiffer's) who underwent Le Fort III advancement under the age of 7 years (average age 5.1 years, range 4.0 to 6.7 years). The average follow-up was 5.0 years and included clinical, dental, and cephalometric examinations according to a prescribed protocol. The study demonstrated that the procedure could be safely performed in the younger child with an acceptable level of morbidity. There was a remarkable degree of postoperative stability of the maxillary segment. However, although vertical (inferior) growth or movement of the midfacial segment was demonstrated, there was minimal, if any, anterior or horizontal growth. Any occlusal disharmony developing during the period of follow-up could be attributed to anticipated mandibular development and could be corrected by orthognathic surgery. The roles of surgical overcorrection and anterior-pull headgear therapy after release of intermaxillary fixation are also discussed. The Le Fort III osteotomy is justifiably indicated during early childhood for psychological and physiologic reasons.