Fascioliasis is a parasitic disease that mainly affects cattle and sheep, causing significant economic losses with a great impact in developing countries. Human fascioliasis is becoming more important with the high endemicity in some countries of the world. Previous studies have shown the importance of Fasciola hepatica fatty acid binding proteins (FABP) as protective molecules against fascioliasis in various animal models including mice, rabbits, and sheep. Our studies have shown the protective efficacy of recombinant FABP (rFh15) when the protein is formulated in the adjuvant adaptation system (ADAD), using either natural or synthetic immunomodulators. The ADAD system is most effective when it is used 5 days before each dose of specific vaccine antigen. The results showed survival rates of up to 50% with less severe hepatic lesions and high levels of IgG2a or IFNγ in immunized mice, using the ADAD system, compared to survival rates of 13% with no hepatic lesion reduction and high levels of IgG1 and IL-4 in those mice immunized with the simplified mode (ADADs).