A 64-year-old man was diagnosed as gastric cancer (cT4N1M0, Stage IIIB). Left upper abdominal evisceration was performed in July 2008. CT scan revealed liver metastases in the segments 6 and 8 about 4-month after the surgery. Liver metastases increased during postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy. We treated the metastases with local therapy. He received radiotherapy (total of 60 Gy) for a liver metastasis in the segment 8 in November 2009. He received radiotherapy (total of 50 Gy) for a liver metastasis in the segment 6 in November 2010 after a total of 3-radiofrequency ablation (RFA) was performed. Partial response was obtained. We have experienced a successful case of liver metastases from gastric cancer treated with RFA and radiotherapy.