Background: The Paradigm®Veo™ System includes a low glucose suspend (LGS) feature which suspends insulin delivery when a prespecified glucose threshold setting is reached by the associated continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) sensor. The ASPIRE (Automation to Simulate Pancreatic Insulin REsponse) study is a multicenter, in-clinic, randomized, crossover study to examine the efficacy of LGS in exercise-induced hypoglycemia.
Methods: Insulin-pump users underwent two separate exercise sessions, one with the LGS feature set to suspend insulin (LGS-on) when the CGM-detected glucose concentration was ≤ 70 mg/dl and one with the LGS feature off. Exercise sessions were conducted after an overnight fast and with initial plasma glucose level as measured by the YSI 2300 STAT Plus glucose analyzer (YSI) of 100-140 mg/dl. Subjects exercised until their YSI value fell to ≤ 85 mg/dl; subsequent YSI values <70 mg/dl were recorded for up to 4 h to measure the duration and nadir of hypoglycemia. The protocol required that subjects with YSI values <50 or >300 mg/dl were rescued with carbohydrates or insulin, respectively, based on the provider's recommendation. The primary end point was comparison of duration and severity of hypoglycemia between LGS-on and LGS-off sessions. Secondary end points included areas under the glucose concentration curve, CGM sensor accuracy, and last YSI glucose. Device- and procedure-related adverse events and serious adverse events were recorded.
Results: Fifty adults and teenagers (17-58 years) with type 1 diabetes were randomized. Study completion is expected in November 2011.
© 2011 Diabetes Technology Society.