Introduction: Glomus tumors are rare neoplasms arising from the subcutaneous glomus apparatus. They account for 1 - 5% of the soft tissue tumors of the upper extremity, occurring in most cases in the nail bed. The typical clinical presentation includes paroxysmal pain and hypersensitivity to cold which limit the use of the affected hand causing practical, professional and often emotional discomfort for the patient.
Materials and methods: Four patients with finger glomus tumor were treated in our institution in the last 30 years. Three patients had a right hand tumor (1st, 3rd and 4th finger) and one patient a left hand tumor (2nd finger). Three tumors were placed in the nail bed and one in the finger tip. In all cases duplex ultrasonography was employed preoperatively and during surgery to ensure complete resection of the tumor. All patients underwent surgical excision of the tumor with local block anesthesia.
Results: Intense point pain and hypersensitivity to cold was observed in all cases (100%). Two out of 4 patients (50%) presented an irradiation of the pain at the ipsilateral arm and shoulder. Surgical procedure was performed successfully in all cases, with total excision of the tumor and no intraoperative or postoperative complications. No recurrences occurred.
Conclusions: Diagnosis of glomus tumors of the fingers is generally easy when manifested with the classical clinical picture and duplex ultrasonography is employed. Complete surgical excision is curative, providing immediate relief of symptoms and improvement of eventual professional or psychological discomfort.