Over 2000 microRNA (miRNA) sequences from different species have been submitted to the miRBase, the central online repository for miRNAs, making a total of 5071 miRNA loci, expressing 5922 distinct mature miRNA sequences. In this review, we have addressed the importance of the genetic variations in humans affecting miRNAs, their target genes and the genes involved in miRNA processing for individual risk of cancer, with particular emphasis on colorectal cancer. In fact, the number of studies suggesting that individual predisposition to cancer is modulated by genetic polymorphisms affecting the biogenesis of miRNA and the interaction between miRNAs and targets has risen steeply in the last few years. We also report the first evidence that variant alleles of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within miRNA genes and miRNA targets, previously associated with the risk of cancer, behave differently when tested in functional studies. The SNPs belonging to the miRNA world are certainly contributing to new insights in the field of the genetic predisposition to disease.