Objective: To asses the prevalence of learning disorders in school going children and to compare the socio-demographic variables and other related factors with learning disorder.
Methods: All the 500 students of class III to V with all sections were given the dyslexia assessment questionnaire (DAQ) to fill; 468 students returned the completed forms.Statistical analysis was done using chi-square test. Only 68 children scored ≥ 4 on DAQ were given MISIC (Mallin's intelligence scale for Indian children) for IQ assessment and DST-J for dyslexia screening. Forty-eight students were labeled as dyslexia and further diagnosis was confirmed by DSM IV- TR classification.
Results: Prevalence of learning disorders (LD) was found to be 10.25% with higher in males than females (11.40% vs. 7.14%).The delivery complications (20.83% vs. 4.17%; X 2-4.667, p value-0.031) were more in LD and more family members were left handed (16.67% vs. 2.08%; X 2-4.41, p value-0.036) as compared to control group. In classroom behavior, children with LD asked questions less (10.42% vs. 75%; X 2-40.91, p value-0.0001), answered questions less frequently (6.25% vs. 79.16%; X 2-52.15, p value-0.0001) and took notes less attentively than control group (4.17% vs. 58.33%; X 2-32.77, p value-0.0001).
Conclusions: The current study, therefore, is an attempt to identify children with learning disorders and explore the prevalence of the problem and etiological factors e.g., family environment, social factors and developmental issues of child and associated co-morbidities. More studies with larger sample size should be undertaken to get accurate picture of these disorders.There is also need for some community based programme to raise the level of awareness and knowledge about these disorders in general population.