Cattle are divided into 2 groups referred to as taurine and indicine, both of which have been under strong artificial selection due to their importance for human nutrition. A side effect of this domestication includes a loss of genetic diversity within each specialized breed. Recently, the first taurine genome was sequenced and assembled, allowing for a better understanding of this ruminant species. However, genetic information from indicine breeds has been limited. Here, we present the first genome sequence of an indicine breed (Nellore) generated with 52X coverage by SOLiD sequencing platform. As expected, both genomes share high similarity at the nucleotide level for all autosomes and the X chromosome. Regarding the Y chromosome, the homology was considerably lower, most likely due to uncompleted assembly of the taurine Y chromosome. We were also able to cover 97% of the annotated taurine protein-coding genes.