Aims: To evaluate the role of sputum cytology in the diagnostic work-up of patients with suspected lung cancer
Settings and design: Spontaneously produced fresh sputum was analyzed in clinically suspected cases of lung cancer.
Materials and methods: Spontaneously produced fresh sputum was analyzed in 36 clinically suspected cases of lung cancer. It was carried out using the "fresh pick and smear" method, which employs examination of sputum for blood-tinged, discolored or solid particles and preparation of thin and even smears from these selected portions.
Statistical analysis used: Average and means.
Results: Sensitivity of sputum cytology was 60%, which increased with an increase in the number of samples examined.
Conclusions: Sputum cytology in suspected cases of carcinoma of lung is a useful diagnostic tool. It may be called as a poor man's bronchoscopy.
Keywords: Carcinoma of lung; PAP stain; exfoliative cytology; pick and smear method; sputum cytology.