Flow cytometry is a method to conduct a multiparameter analysis of cells suspended in liquid and passing through a laser beam. Analyses of human and other mammal sperm using this method have already been performed but its application for insect semen is still the subject of investigation. Semen isolated from honey bee Apis mellifera seminal vesicles was dyed using SYBR-14 and propidium iodide (PI). The fluorescence of the SYBR-14 stained cells was analyzed in a green fluorescence channel (FL-1), while the PI fluorescence was analyzed in a red fluorescence channel (FL-3). Living and dead cell populations were separated using a density dot plot and the percentage of each in the sample was calculated. Flow cytometry seems to be an effective tool for assessing the viability of honey bee semen, solving the problems of distinguishing and counting the double-stained cells.
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