Recurrent epiretinal membranes (ERMs) causing macular pucker developed after surgical removal in seven eyes and were subsequently removed. A specimen was available for electron microscopic study from four of the seven primary operations and all seven of the repeat operations. The diagnostic associations for the primary cases included retinal holes or tears (four eyes), trauma, inflammation (one eye each). In one eye the membrane was idiopathic. The primary and recurrent ERM specimens contained similar cell types and structural characteristics but were not identical. No one cell type predominated in either primary or recurrent ERM. Compared with studies of idiopathic ERMs, myofibroblasts were present with increased frequency in recurrent membranes. Fibrocytes, fibrous astrocytes, and retinal pigment epithelial cells were also present in most specimens. Other features of both the primary and recurrent ERM specimens included the presence of cells with myoblastic differentiation, fragments of internal limiting membrane, new collagen, and nerve fiber elements.